Cannabis FAQ: Answering 5 questions about CBD
The cannabis industry is growing. In fact, it has more “green” than ever. According to Statista, CBD sales in the U.S. are expected to reach around $1.8 billion in 2022. Even more staggering, legal cannabis sales are projected to hit a whopping $23 billion by 2025.
As the market has expanded, so too has the list of available items sold. This can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. To help, below are five frequently asked questions about CBD and related products.
What is CBD?
Officially called a “cannabidiol,” CBD is extracted from cannabis and hemp plants. It interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid and immune systems to physiologically impact mood, memory, pain, and sleep, among other benefits.
How is CBD different from THC?
THC is short for tetrahydrocannabinol. It is the main component of marijuana. Unlike THC, CBD does not trigger any psychoactive properties. In short, users will not feel “high” from CBD.
Is CBD the only cannabinoid?
No. There are about 100 different cannabinoids. Although CBD is one of the most common, other products have become increasingly popular. Cannabinol (CBN) and cannaibigerol (CBG) have seen more demand recently as supplements. CBG is perhaps the most potent, serving as the base for all other synthesized cannabinoids.
What are the benefits of taking other cannabinoids?
Any cannabinoid boasts countless health benefits. However, combining different products creates an “entourage effect.” Multiple compounds work together to amplify the therapeutic benefits. For example, taking CBG soft gels will provide its own advantages while enhancing any other products you pair with it.
Is CBD legal?
Yes. But it’s complicated. Under federal law, any product sold must have no more than 0.03% THC. However, every state has its own laws. Check the FDA’s website for a more comprehensive look at the regulations.