Ideal Body Fat Percentage For A Woman

All women at some point in their life will have to have a cervical smear as a part of a health checkup. It is caused by the constriction of the blood vessels in the extremities of the body, especially when an individual is exposed to extreme cold and stress. Exercise and a diet full of nutritious foods is the best way to do this. There are different methods to calculate the percentage of fat in the body, viz., bioelectric impedance and infrared interactance.

Due to the absence of this hormone, normal balancing of good and bad cholesterol levels and blood flow is disturbed that results in the heart problems in post menopausal women. Flaxseed, both extract and oil is known to be high in healthy essential fatty acids.

Dong Quai has long been used in Asia to treat conditions of women’s health problems including those related to menopause. It is also high in lignans, linolenic acid and other phytonutrients which promote all over health and may help to balance mood, important in women’s health issues related to the menstrual cycle.

There are a few medical conditions that are of great concern to a women’s health like heart disease, breast cancer, and osteoporosis. The main reasons responsible for the disease are; Heredity, improper intake of food, overweight, lack of exercise in daily routine and above all your age.

A little sun is healthy, but too much can set the stage for skin cancers of all types. This may help to restore the natural balance of estrogen and progesterone which are both important in the maintenance of women’s health. Heart problems are uncommon in woman before menopause that do not have high blood pressure, diabetes and excessive fats in blood when compare with the menopause occurs the risk of heart problems become similar to men.