Now You Can Have Your HEALTH Done Safely
In the country, seizures affect 1 in every 250 children. In 1996, Dr. Philip Harvey, a public-health nutritionist, was quoted in the newspaper The Weekend Australian as saying, “Australian children are getting fatter, and they’re getting fatter fast.” His concern was based on a study that showed that the percentage of overweight children in Australia had doubled, over the previous ten years.
This is also supported in part by the Pfizer Pediatric Health, and has been operating to provide the public the necessary information about the current and emerging preventive and health promotion needs of infants, children, adolescent, families and communities.
If your children are really young, then just get them eating what you like (keeping it healthy and small of course) and then you can sort of side-step the “picky-eater” syndrome later on. If, on the other hand your children already have their mind made up about not wanting to try new choices, then try these healthy recipe alternatives to their possible favorites.
Organic foods will have less additives, less hormones (designed to help cattle and chicken GAIN weight), less genetically modified foods to be allergic too, less chemicals to create immune responses to. Organic produce tastes better too, and it might be less of struggle to get a child to snack on cherry tomatoes that melt in your mouth than on tomatoes that taste like cardboard.
The answer is simply because they don’t need it. Wax, be it soy, paraffin or beeswax, is very non-reactive and even though someone may be allergic to soy in foods, it’s the digested protein that triggers the allergy, not the byproducts of the combustion (mainly carbon dioxide and water).