Want More Money? Start HEALTH
Medical KPI or key performance indicator is a specially designed management system that helps clinics and doctors assess performance relative to the operation. Charge Off: A debt or loan that is no longer deemed as collectible by the creditor, and hence, the account is transferred to the category of bad debt or loss. The primary function of a walk-in treatment center is to treat its patients without the aggravating wait times commonly seen in hospital ERs and individual doctor’s offices.
Some health workers should always be available that is why they have people who are on call in hospitals and doctors offices. Rebate Card: A card that contains a certain fraction of the total amount expended by using it. By using rebate cards, the cardholders can earn points, which can be used to get cash, and goods and services.
Hard Inquiry: Sometimes, a potential lender checks the credit report of the individual applying for a loan, in order to assess the risk involved in extending the loan to him or her. Affinity Card: A type of credit card made available by the credit card issuer in association with another non-financial group or organization.
Those diabetes specialists, who are employed in top hospitals and clinics can get thirty to fifty percent higher salaries as compared to those employed in smaller hospitals. Either way, clinics should align their services and products satisfactorily to the requirements of the accreditation bodies.
Some clinics specialise in treating ‘older’ women and in these cases the success rate may be lower than the average. The amount owed on a credit card is known as ‘credit balance’, and the annual interest rate that has to be paid on outstanding credit card balance is called ‘credit card rate’.