What Your Customers Really Think About Your HEALTH?
Social health, along with mental and physical health, is one of the key aspects to determine the general well-being of a person. He ran away so fast that nobody could catch him at that time of the afternoon, when only a few people were walking in the streets”. In this section, we talk about different mental disorders and how to deal with them. These licenses and registrations may be in addition to your certification as a mental health professional.
A robust healthy body will help in maintaining a sound mental state. Psychiatry is a branch of medical science that deals with the study and treatment of mental illnesses or disorders. 1) Stay Physically Active: the human mind developed in an environment requiring one travels the equivalent of 12 miles per day for sheer survival (and no that doesn’t mean jumping in the car and flooring it!).
Mental health problems occur when someone is in a susceptible position of entering into the mental illness continuum. Foods that are good for our physical health are also good for our mental wellbeing. Some of the more commonly known ways that mental illness can affect our lives is in the form of depression, anxiety, compulsive disorders, phobias, panic disorders, bipolar or manic depression, schizophrenia and dementia.
Many mental health professionals have the notion that marketing is “not done,” in our profession. Mental health includes having the necessary life aptitude, social skills as well as having a balance in different aspects of life. That used to be the norm but today that is not even true for physical illnesses.
Inability to Develop and Maintain Healthy Relationships – Many mentally ill people find it difficult or impossible to create healthy interpersonal relationships. It is not a person’s fault to have mental illness. There are some people with mental illness who should be put into an institution because they are dangerous to themselves and others.