A growing area that offers plenty of opportunity and potential profit for building service contractors is cleaning health care facilities. But flexible socio-political trends & economical recession influence healthcare reform policies. There is a need to combat the root causes of discrimination within our healthcare system. Another choice when just starting out is to provide specialized services such as floor care, carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and window cleaning.
Home health provider personnel may occasionally encounter an abusive patient. But, the exception to this rule is that an attending physician or any employee of the doctor or healthcare facility cannot become a health care representative. This can be a boom and a profit maker for janitorial cleaning services that have trained their staff to properly clean health care facilities.
However, healthcare is not always face-to-face; with modern telecommunications technology, in absentia health care is becoming more common. Lee, et. al. (2004), found that patients with specific chronic diseases, namely arthritis, musculoskeletal diseases and stroke, were more likely to use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Traditional Chinese and Ayruvedic Medicine are just two examples of ancient health care systems which use a holistic approach. The wise consumer will find and implement a comprehensive program to protect their own health, so they will not find themselves begging for medical care at the end of their life.
More importantly, you should be asking more questions about your healthcare. Although some view health care from an economic perspective as being no different from other products or services, others believe it has many characteristics that encourage government intervention or regulation.